Its official: I have jumped on the band wagon. At least its not Myspace, right?
I always knew I would have a blog, even before the phrase was coined(ppl were still calling them journals year before last). I spout out opinions about current events, personal trials, and everything else to everyone in earshot, so it was only a matter of time. I suppose I should tell a little about myself and what this blog'll be about, for those who do run across it.
My name is....not important. Just call me j. Im twenty four....oh wait, twenty three years old, I guess you could say newly single, college dropout. I think I can say that officially, depending on if I take any classes this semester or not(if not, it'll be semester number three in a row with no classes). Im nowhere near completing my degree, by the way. :( This blog will not be a diary for me. At least, I'll try not to make it one. Rather, I just wanna translate the world through my point of view, in hopes of insight, entertainment, or and alternate point of view........
Moving right along.....
Front page on is a story about an insurance company not having to pay a Katrina victim because hurricane insurance doesn't cover wind or flood damage. Why do people like to raise my blood pressure? "Hurricane" insurance doesn't cover freakin wind or flood damage? Isn't that whats makes hurricanes dangerous? I don't wanna ignorantly rant on the obvious (thats what Glen Beck is for), but this is a prime example of capitalism gone wrong. Too far? Let me break it down for you: Insurance company(multi billions) vs. Homeowner(chump change). Doesn't matter who's right or wrong, all that matters is who can afford to spin the truth in their favor. For the insurance company, this case could be a can of worms that would ruin them. If they lose this case, then it will set the tone for the thousands of other home owners with hurricane insurance to collect. The truth really is as simple as it looks: you get hurricane insurance, hurricane damage is covered. Unfortunately, the ins. company will get away just because they can afford loopholes. More money = "better"lawyers = the law being on your side = you get away with more = you exploit the common folks easier = you make more money, etc.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Capitalism's ugly side.
Sure, some people will say "Hey, if they can make $33 billion a year*, then who cares: business is business." Business is business, but we are still humans. We have to intervene with "the system" on behalf of human nature. Left unchecked, they rich will keep getting richer and the poor will keep getting poorer until the degrees of separation are so extreme, 5% of the population will literally live like royalty, while the other 95% will live off their scraps. How did I go from insurance to "the evil empire rant"? My point(yes there is one) is that us common folk need more influence, and the only way to get it is to fight agains lobbyist-run/ money-hungy government, local and national...........
*$33 billion: Exxon-Mobile's profits last year.
Well, Im glad I got that off my chest. Not exactly the way I intended my first blog to go, but oh well. I think it was something I ate. If I keep typing my thought's I'll be here forever, so I'll wrap this up. I'll try to keep the rants down to a minimum in the future.
Before I go, congrats to my NY friend who just got a job. (yay)
If you know someone looking for a job, don't just say "well, good luck!" Be a true friend and look for them. It may not be successful, but looking for a job can be draining, and you might just encourage them. And stop pretending like you don't see that homeless guy. Give 'em that change you know you don't need. Good day, then to all.
Peace -j
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