Wednesday, August 16, 2006

In the news...
Relax, everybody. JonBenet Ramsey's killer has probably been found. Meanwhile, no suspects in the Tupac or Biggie cases.... a man in Buffalo, NY, is accused of trying to deep fry his kittens. I suspect two things: the cats probably got in the grease by accident, and since he was initially frying pork chops for some friends, he's brobably black(ouch)......In the name if increased security, the racial profiling debate has been revisited amongst many people, citing that Israel's airport, which is considered one of the safest, actively profiles passengers.......An average of 110 Iraqis died each day in July. "Operation: Iraqi freedom"?......Dell recalls thousands of notebook batteries that catch on fire, which apparently is a bad thing. I know I'm safe though, since mine won't even hold a charge for an hour.......NASA can't find the original Moon Landing tapes, some suggest Bruce Willis to star in remakes.......Police question validity of rapper Beanie Sigel's claim of being shot and robbed, say they will listen to his up coming album for clues in the case. Will black officers be offended when asked to "translate" from ebonics to english?.......The Federal Government hasn't done an annual audit in 9 years! What happened to checks and balances?.........please stop putting the events of Paris Hilton's life in the news.......Cynthia McKinney, D-GA, claim's tampered voting boothes cheated her out of the race. I don't know if it's true, but I do know these e-vote machines have proven faulty before(remember the 04 presidential race?).....-j :x

I hate my job. Its my day off, and I normally dont think about work on my day off, but I thought about it this morning, and realized I hate my job. It started with a call from my best friend who started a wonderful, well paying new position today at a lucrative company. I am very, very excited, and typically not a hater, but hearing about how great the new job is reminded me of how crappy mine is. I was supposed to go to a baseball game with coworkers(and my boss) today. It was going to be free, and I might have had fun, but I dont wanna see anybody or anything that reminds me of that place right now. In fact, I dont even wanna talk about it anymore....
Moving right along...I sometimes wonder if Im a racist. Know what I mean? I was reading about the war, about recent terror threats, about the worlds developments overnight, when I noticed a few other stories that made the Top News list: JonBenet suspect arrested. Paris Hiltons music. Gwyneth Paltrows return to acting. And Im thinking, why is this news? Who decides whats important enough to go on the front page of CNN? Dont get me wrong, my heart goes out to the Ramsey family, and anyone else who has lost a child, but what makes one murder get covered over another? At some point unknown to me, I assumed it was a rich/white factor that decided which celebrities/events were news worthy. Is that the case? Is that what determines the scale or intensity of a police investigation? It seems like the only time blacks are in the public eye are when being accused of crimes or scandals. And, it feels like an extreme statement. I wonder if Im a racist, because I often see color line drawn, where none are agknowledged. Am I seeing things? I was thinking earlier about americas minority population percentages and how its radically not reflected in our leadership. Are minorities that inactive in electing government officials, or is it something else? I hate asking these questions when I get few answers and no solutions, but I dont think ignorance is bliss. Maybe I should go watch tv, so my brain wont have to work for a while. Oh wait, the cable is off. Does anybody watch regular tv anymore? Oh, and why is it not ok for a straight black man to like Justin Timberlake? I missed the last couple of meetings, but I thought that whole thing was been revised after his new single was bootlegged? All these rules! If Justin is still out, then I know watching "So you think you can dance" aint ok. I guess "sexy back" will have to remain one of those DL-esque secrets, like yoga, or Im off to eat some chicken and watermelon and watch BET. peace peace -j

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