I like to think everyone needs a friend like me...
Lacking pride as much as realism allows, I'd say that they may even need a friend like me. No, I'm not the coolest(arguably), best looking, funniest, smartest, or even the most talented. I may not make the most money, have the coolest job, drive the coolest car, or even be the most generous, but I am sincere, and will tell you what to hear even when its not easy. I had to tell him, as a man and a friend, that the way he sniffed around K.S. all night last night was hard to watch. Maybe without the filter of inebriation, my perspective was off, but it sure seemed like he hung his testicles on the key holder and chased attention all night like a five year old girl. I hope, like I expect most people do, that will always have at least one friend to be whatever I am. Sometimes, being a friend ain't easy...
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I've never been keen to New Year's resolutions...
But resolve itself can be a virtue. With what's allowed left, I resolve to do a great deal more, especially involving writing. "If it was written once, it was thought twice." Does that mean I haven't had a genuine thought-one worthy of repetition- since the twenty first of October? Scarier than Scary Kids Scaring Kids watching Scary Movie...
But resolve itself can be a virtue. With what's allowed left, I resolve to do a great deal more, especially involving writing. "If it was written once, it was thought twice." Does that mean I haven't had a genuine thought-one worthy of repetition- since the twenty first of October? Scarier than Scary Kids Scaring Kids watching Scary Movie...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Are categorized by signature events that occur during. Whatever the largest event of that day is, sets the tone for its memory, regardless of the other lesser events that precede or follow. For example: Today for me started out wonderfully. I woke up in a good mood, had plenty of relax time before going to work, and the weather was perfect. During some point in the past few hours, however, the tide has changed. My day just got real shitty real fast. I hope something big comes along later to wipe away the dominance of recent events. Its getting late, so hurry...
Are categorized by signature events that occur during. Whatever the largest event of that day is, sets the tone for its memory, regardless of the other lesser events that precede or follow. For example: Today for me started out wonderfully. I woke up in a good mood, had plenty of relax time before going to work, and the weather was perfect. During some point in the past few hours, however, the tide has changed. My day just got real shitty real fast. I hope something big comes along later to wipe away the dominance of recent events. Its getting late, so hurry...
Thursday, September 20, 2007

A word on problems...
Problems will come- it's certain- but don't delay finding a solution by getting caught up in the blame game. Take the picture above for example: who's at fault? The dog, for peeing on the laptop? The laptop, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? The photographer, for standing idle on the sidelines? The owner for not taking good enough care of his pet? None of that matters, because a solution has nothing to do with whos at fault. The solution- moving the dog or the laptop- would save a laptop from being destroyed by urine(which has already damaged so many relationships), a friendship from being damaged by anger, a pet owner and electronics lover from pulling out his hair, and a puppy from suffering the embarrassment of being scolded for having an accident. Let that be a lesson to you.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Common Sense....
From the city of wind. ...Bush pushing lies; killers immortalized; we got arms but wont reach for the skies. Waiting for the Lord to rise, I look into my daughters eyes and realize I'ma learn through her. The messiah might even return through her. If I'ma do it, I gotta save the world for her...
I'm supposed to be working right now. I got mad work to do, but stuff on my mind too. I just had a pretty good conversation with my mother too, about life, love, sex, God, happiness(or the pursuit of), and happenings. If youre reading this and havent talked to your mother today, maybe you should. Yesterday, just past noon, Janice Jeffery, known as JJ to those who loved her, passed away. Its crazy. I mean, we knew it was coming(I guess we all know Death is coming for us all), but its still such a shock to lose someone close to you. When was the last time I saw her? It wasn't too long ago at all, probably just over a week. I knew she was dying, and I know I kissed her as always, but I never suspected it would be the last time. Just as before, I said my goodbyes as usual, and now I regret it. I normally am always subconsciously aware of impending doom(not in a paranoid way, just in a "were all gonna die" thing), but had I realized the significance of that moment; that it was going to be the last time we talked, embraced, said goodbye, or that it was my last opportunity to make her laugh, or smile, then maybe I would have chosen my words more carefully. If I had known then what I know now, I would have chosen my words more carefully. But I guess thats just the way it is. We never know, and there are no re-dos. I called my mama today. I didn't tell her I loved her, but we talked a good talk, and she knows. Im leaving now, but the sting of sudden loss will linger for a while, making me wonder which of these conversations will be my or their last. Will you wonder, at least once? Rest in Peace, JJ. I love you, mama...
From the city of wind. ...Bush pushing lies; killers immortalized; we got arms but wont reach for the skies. Waiting for the Lord to rise, I look into my daughters eyes and realize I'ma learn through her. The messiah might even return through her. If I'ma do it, I gotta save the world for her...
I'm supposed to be working right now. I got mad work to do, but stuff on my mind too. I just had a pretty good conversation with my mother too, about life, love, sex, God, happiness(or the pursuit of), and happenings. If youre reading this and havent talked to your mother today, maybe you should. Yesterday, just past noon, Janice Jeffery, known as JJ to those who loved her, passed away. Its crazy. I mean, we knew it was coming(I guess we all know Death is coming for us all), but its still such a shock to lose someone close to you. When was the last time I saw her? It wasn't too long ago at all, probably just over a week. I knew she was dying, and I know I kissed her as always, but I never suspected it would be the last time. Just as before, I said my goodbyes as usual, and now I regret it. I normally am always subconsciously aware of impending doom(not in a paranoid way, just in a "were all gonna die" thing), but had I realized the significance of that moment; that it was going to be the last time we talked, embraced, said goodbye, or that it was my last opportunity to make her laugh, or smile, then maybe I would have chosen my words more carefully. If I had known then what I know now, I would have chosen my words more carefully. But I guess thats just the way it is. We never know, and there are no re-dos. I called my mama today. I didn't tell her I loved her, but we talked a good talk, and she knows. Im leaving now, but the sting of sudden loss will linger for a while, making me wonder which of these conversations will be my or their last. Will you wonder, at least once? Rest in Peace, JJ. I love you, mama...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Im a sucker for nostalgia...
I cant help it. Anything pleasurable from my youth seems to have stuck with me all these years. Its like that movie, Vanilla Sky. His Lucid Dream consisted of an array of powerful impressions from his life- A sad movie; a romantic album cover; an emotional painting. My living dream act the same way, connecting all things enjoyable subconsciously to my youthful memories. Hmm, makes the pressures of this non-existent, potential fatherhood I face increase exponentially. But in the meantime, and in between time I search for myself the same way we all do: by returning to the source- attempting to recapture a youth lost so long ago. And if we succeed? I guess Ill let you know when I arrive...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Why do we still have cops on horses? Do criminals still ride horses, robbing stage coaches and such? Why did it take three days to get water to the Superdome? Why did the people roll over in the 04 presidential election? Why does the Kool-Aid Man bust through walls? Why is Mario allowed to take shrooms, go on a killing spree, then be lauded as a hero? Why is it so hot outside? Why do you need ID to get ID? If you had ID you wouldnt need ID. Why didnt the president know what the Voting Rights Act was? Why is it ok to impeach Clinton for lying about head, but not ok to impeach Bush over lying about Iraq? Why are gas prices so damn high? Why cant someone make a healthy cigarette? Why is sex only right when your married, when everybody knows married couples usually have crappy sex lives? Why is marijuana illegal, but cigarettes and liquor arent? Why arent more people upset about the Real ID Act? What was Jesus' real name, and why do people call him Jesus? What makes blue eyes better than brown eyes? Why are modern cars made of plastic, but cost more than their metal predecessors? Who reads this anyway? Why do people run so many red lights? Why is insurance mandatory, but so expensive and non tax deductable? Is that how you spell "deductible"? Why has so much crazy stuff been happening to me lately? Why do I waste my time and words here? Will black people ever receive reparations for slavery? Am I going to work out today? Am I going to hell? Why dont more Americans kiss when they greet? How much truth is behind all those 9/11 conspiracies? Why didnt the police ever find Tupac or Biggies killers? Were the killers trained professionals, or did they just not look too hard? Why do so many people still act like racism is no big deal? Will I ever marry? What do you wanna be when you grow up? How high would the basketball goals be on the moon, since everyone could dunk?
Why do we still have cops on horses? Do criminals still ride horses, robbing stage coaches and such? Why did it take three days to get water to the Superdome? Why did the people roll over in the 04 presidential election? Why does the Kool-Aid Man bust through walls? Why is Mario allowed to take shrooms, go on a killing spree, then be lauded as a hero? Why is it so hot outside? Why do you need ID to get ID? If you had ID you wouldnt need ID. Why didnt the president know what the Voting Rights Act was? Why is it ok to impeach Clinton for lying about head, but not ok to impeach Bush over lying about Iraq? Why are gas prices so damn high? Why cant someone make a healthy cigarette? Why is sex only right when your married, when everybody knows married couples usually have crappy sex lives? Why is marijuana illegal, but cigarettes and liquor arent? Why arent more people upset about the Real ID Act? What was Jesus' real name, and why do people call him Jesus? What makes blue eyes better than brown eyes? Why are modern cars made of plastic, but cost more than their metal predecessors? Who reads this anyway? Why do people run so many red lights? Why is insurance mandatory, but so expensive and non tax deductable? Is that how you spell "deductible"? Why has so much crazy stuff been happening to me lately? Why do I waste my time and words here? Will black people ever receive reparations for slavery? Am I going to work out today? Am I going to hell? Why dont more Americans kiss when they greet? How much truth is behind all those 9/11 conspiracies? Why didnt the police ever find Tupac or Biggies killers? Were the killers trained professionals, or did they just not look too hard? Why do so many people still act like racism is no big deal? Will I ever marry? What do you wanna be when you grow up? How high would the basketball goals be on the moon, since everyone could dunk?
Friday, August 10, 2007
There is a song...
Stuck in my head. It goes...
I get down for my grandfather who took my mama/ made her sit in that seat when white folks didnt want us to eat./ At the tender age of six she was arrested for the sit in/ and with that in my blood I was born to be different./ Now, niggas cant make it to balance to choose leadership/ but we can make it to Jacobs and to the dealership./ Thats why I hear new music and I just dont be feeling it./ Racism still alive, they just be concealing it. / But I know, you dont want me in the damn club./ They even made me show ID to get inside of Sams Club./ I done did dirt then went to church to have my hands scrubbed:/ Swear Ive been baptized at least three or four times. / But in the land where niggas pray, shoot guns, and get paid,/ its gonna take a lot more than coupons to get us saved. / Like it take a lot more than do rags to get ya waves./ Now as sad as that day, my girl father passed away/ so I promised him Mr. Ramey, Im gonna marry ya daughter/and you know I gotta thank you for the way that she was brought up./ And I know I felt you smiling when you seen the car I bought her./ Then you sent tears from heaven when you seen my car get balled up, but/ I cant complain bout what an accident did to my left eye,/ cuz look what an accident did to Left Eye./ First Aaliyah, now Romeo must die?/ I know I got angels watching me from the other side...
Stuck in my head. It goes...
I get down for my grandfather who took my mama/ made her sit in that seat when white folks didnt want us to eat./ At the tender age of six she was arrested for the sit in/ and with that in my blood I was born to be different./ Now, niggas cant make it to balance to choose leadership/ but we can make it to Jacobs and to the dealership./ Thats why I hear new music and I just dont be feeling it./ Racism still alive, they just be concealing it. / But I know, you dont want me in the damn club./ They even made me show ID to get inside of Sams Club./ I done did dirt then went to church to have my hands scrubbed:/ Swear Ive been baptized at least three or four times. / But in the land where niggas pray, shoot guns, and get paid,/ its gonna take a lot more than coupons to get us saved. / Like it take a lot more than do rags to get ya waves./ Now as sad as that day, my girl father passed away/ so I promised him Mr. Ramey, Im gonna marry ya daughter/and you know I gotta thank you for the way that she was brought up./ And I know I felt you smiling when you seen the car I bought her./ Then you sent tears from heaven when you seen my car get balled up, but/ I cant complain bout what an accident did to my left eye,/ cuz look what an accident did to Left Eye./ First Aaliyah, now Romeo must die?/ I know I got angels watching me from the other side...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Zimbabwe Funerals...
He lived his days of poverty
Inside a cardboard shelter
Inadequate of cover he
Did either freeze or swelter
Remembered he when he was ten
He had a scrap yard shack
It wasn't much, enough, but then
He suffered an attack
Policemen came and routed him
Destroyed his meager home
His chance at life now very slim
Just rubbish dumps to comb
Death did fight with him and win
As he knew that it would
No one can pay to place him in
A coffin made of wood
-Chris Higginson
He lived his days of poverty
Inside a cardboard shelter
Inadequate of cover he
Did either freeze or swelter
Remembered he when he was ten
He had a scrap yard shack
It wasn't much, enough, but then
He suffered an attack
Policemen came and routed him
Destroyed his meager home
His chance at life now very slim
Just rubbish dumps to comb
Death did fight with him and win
As he knew that it would
No one can pay to place him in
A coffin made of wood
-Chris Higginson
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Allow me to whine....
I try not to, normally, but indulge me. I have an ear ache. There is nothing profound about this post. It is neither artsy, thought provoking, nor poetic. I have a pain in the side of my head that screams "Im the juggernaut, bitch!", then proceeds to ruin my life. It lives in me, now, bringing flood after flood of activity to normally docile nerve endings, until they are as ravaged as post-Katrina New Orleans, and more bombed out and depleted than Afghanistan. It is a demon, as vast as the ocean, but with an impenetrable depth: the epitome of abyss. I can see it, hear it, feel it. He is darkness. A massive, shapeless, dark aura looms at the edge of my very consciousness. He has no name or shape, but is full of malice and personality. When I try to rest, he rises up, doubling in size, and roars with the ferocity of an angry lion, as if not having my utmost attention would spell his demise. I can sense the pleasure when I spit and thrash and curse my existence. This is what he wants. He knows his time is limited: that more from ego than pain I will see his end, and in an effort to prolong life, wants public recognition before the goodbye. You win, demon, now go back to hell...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Its been a week...
But I finally saw Ron Mueck. I wanted to see him when I was in NYC last time, but it cost fifty friggin bucks. Down here in TX, it was only ten! If the tour passes through your city, be sure to pay it a visit. Its so much better in sculpture than picture.
Also, go outside. That is all...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
By some homeless guy...
God made the Heavens and then he made the earth
God made the sun and moon and all of the stars to
God made the flowers, just for the little birds
God sent the sides for the Bible to be made into words
Then God made all of the people, him, me, her and them
And he knows about all the good and knows about all the bad
He tells the moon when to hide and when for the sun to shine
He knows whats in your hearts, just like whats on your mind
He see's all of the people, he lisons to all of the kids
He looked around I'm sure, one time felling kind of blue
And said to himself, its time to make an Angel
So thats when he desided and then made you
By some homeless guy...
God made the Heavens and then he made the earth
God made the sun and moon and all of the stars to
God made the flowers, just for the little birds
God sent the sides for the Bible to be made into words
Then God made all of the people, him, me, her and them
And he knows about all the good and knows about all the bad
He tells the moon when to hide and when for the sun to shine
He knows whats in your hearts, just like whats on your mind
He see's all of the people, he lisons to all of the kids
He looked around I'm sure, one time felling kind of blue
And said to himself, its time to make an Angel
So thats when he desided and then made you
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Change is inevitable....
Deal with it. Most change, for me, is welcome. My wires got crossed at some point because unlike most who fear it, I embrace the unknown(sometimes literally via hugging strangers). But today, seeing change in action has made me sad, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. I mean, I think Im one of those people so jaded by the mundane that I enjoy feeling something, anything, no matter what form it comes. Its the closest Ill ever get to Tickle Me Emo("I cut myself so I can feel"). When I feel anything, I act as a catalyst to amplify whatever the current mode is, in appreciation to that rare sensation. Now I feel sad, so what do I do? What else, but play my playlist of sad songs and wish for more rain. Joni Mitchell, Damien Rice, Corinne Bailey Rae, Andre 3000, Mary J. Blige, and even Biggie Smalls(suicidal thoughts)- sing to me. Now my despair is so abject, it bleeds into public(semi, anyway) view. I hate it, and I love it. Its time for a roadtrip. Suggestions?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Fuel creativity more than any controlled substance could dream. This is a public servant announcement to all writers, poets, philosophers(ghetto and other), and observers of life: Pain is not the only emotion. In the words of a resurrected Dr. Martin Luther King to a passionate, enlightened youth- "Do what you can." You gotta enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like calling into work, and when the traffic lights all turn green in succession. Remember when you were a kid, and saying cuss words in secret was enough to provide hours of entertainment? Why is it the older we get, the more desperate the means of obtaining a smile become, the way a fiend ups the dosage trying to relive that first high? Simplicity...
Fuel creativity more than any controlled substance could dream. This is a public servant announcement to all writers, poets, philosophers(ghetto and other), and observers of life: Pain is not the only emotion. In the words of a resurrected Dr. Martin Luther King to a passionate, enlightened youth- "Do what you can." You gotta enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like calling into work, and when the traffic lights all turn green in succession. Remember when you were a kid, and saying cuss words in secret was enough to provide hours of entertainment? Why is it the older we get, the more desperate the means of obtaining a smile become, the way a fiend ups the dosage trying to relive that first high? Simplicity...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It was a dark and stormy night.....
Actually, a bright and sunny morning. The door slammed. A shot rang out. A woman screamed. The TV was left on. More importantly, the door slamming was the bathroom door. But the bathroom door was broken- impossible to open by twisting the handle from either side. Our hero was trapped inside the bathroom, with nothing but his wits about him. His flatmate was already gone to work, and wouldnt return until that night. No cell phone, no nothing, and no one could hear him scream. He was stuck, and the clock was ticking: he had to be at work soon. He worked vigorously for nearly an hour, trying desperately to get the door open to no avail. He was getting anxious. Not having access to a clock, he had no idea what time it was, but knew it was time to leave for work. Using keen acumen, he looked around for supplies. An empty soap dispenser, toilet tissue, and a picture was all he had to work with. "Nothing" he said to himself "except for the clothes on my back... Hmm". With a stroke of genius, he took out the string of his pajama pants. Carefully, he slid the string between the crack in the door, and used it like a credit card to slide the broken apparatus aside while pulling and thus opening the door. Brilliant! He escaped his pottyful prison and made it to work nearly on time. This was the adventure of my morning. True story. The End...
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Like a duck, walk like a duck, act like a duck, and you must be a duck. I think Im a jerk. I mean, three times in one week? Im starting to see a pattern here. Three different women have more or less called me a jerk this week. And here I am thinking Im a nice guy. Ok, two of them are or were interested in me and I guess you could say I did them wrong(in a way), but one has zero interest in me, so I would think that makes her more objective. The Two(thats what Ill call them) both imply I am wrong in leading them on- whatever that means. I wish, I wish I could get my hands on that mythical Dating Rulebook. I mean, what are the rules when your just "talking"? At one time, "just talking" was my favorite place to be in a relationship. My fear of commitment is just as healthy as the next mans, but I didnt think I was doing anything wrong. Its not like I was married and asked for divorce, or in a healthy relationship breaking it off for no reason: I purposely detached from situations that get too involved before Im ready. I mean, if you know your not dating someone, why do the rules of dating still apply? Doesnt seem fair to me. If you call someone daily, pretty soon its expected, and youre doing it more from obligation than desire. Ending the routine before it becomes habit seems sensible, but apparently peoples feelings will be hurt no matter what. I say "I meant to call you", but all they hear is "quack". I guess Im a jerk. And unfortunately, Im not even good at that, cuz I dont like other jerks. Which is why I drink alone tonight...again. No, Im not an alcoholic, Im a duck. Maybe Ill turn into a swan one day, but until then, I gotta cut em loose instead of letting whatever happens happen. If anyone ever gets a look at the Dating Rulebook, or knows "the rules"- look up the chapter on conversation frequency or quitting while your ahead, and let me know what it says. Until then: cheers, darlin. -j
Like a duck, walk like a duck, act like a duck, and you must be a duck. I think Im a jerk. I mean, three times in one week? Im starting to see a pattern here. Three different women have more or less called me a jerk this week. And here I am thinking Im a nice guy. Ok, two of them are or were interested in me and I guess you could say I did them wrong(in a way), but one has zero interest in me, so I would think that makes her more objective. The Two(thats what Ill call them) both imply I am wrong in leading them on- whatever that means. I wish, I wish I could get my hands on that mythical Dating Rulebook. I mean, what are the rules when your just "talking"? At one time, "just talking" was my favorite place to be in a relationship. My fear of commitment is just as healthy as the next mans, but I didnt think I was doing anything wrong. Its not like I was married and asked for divorce, or in a healthy relationship breaking it off for no reason: I purposely detached from situations that get too involved before Im ready. I mean, if you know your not dating someone, why do the rules of dating still apply? Doesnt seem fair to me. If you call someone daily, pretty soon its expected, and youre doing it more from obligation than desire. Ending the routine before it becomes habit seems sensible, but apparently peoples feelings will be hurt no matter what. I say "I meant to call you", but all they hear is "quack". I guess Im a jerk. And unfortunately, Im not even good at that, cuz I dont like other jerks. Which is why I drink alone tonight...again. No, Im not an alcoholic, Im a duck. Maybe Ill turn into a swan one day, but until then, I gotta cut em loose instead of letting whatever happens happen. If anyone ever gets a look at the Dating Rulebook, or knows "the rules"- look up the chapter on conversation frequency or quitting while your ahead, and let me know what it says. Until then: cheers, darlin. -j
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Hip Hip,....
no matter how far it has strayed, is not the enemy. The fallout from Don Imus' comments has shifted. Originally, the focus was on not tolerating racism or sexism in the media, but now the focus has turned entirely to hip hop. Did hip hop influence Don Imus' comments? "Has the industry gone too far with its accepted language" is a completely different issue. Dont make hip hop the focus of the problem. The degrading of our women in hip hop is the product the root problem. Treat the cause of the disease, not the symptoms. Russel Simmons has called for the language to be regulated. I say that if people really wanted to stop the language, they would stop supporting the worst of the worst. We dont need morality police, we just need the peoples actions to match their words, and the only words I hear are lyrics to hack rap artist who would degrade their own people for a dollar. If you wanna stop the use of certain words, then stop using those words, h* @%$ n*$#%s. -j
no matter how far it has strayed, is not the enemy. The fallout from Don Imus' comments has shifted. Originally, the focus was on not tolerating racism or sexism in the media, but now the focus has turned entirely to hip hop. Did hip hop influence Don Imus' comments? "Has the industry gone too far with its accepted language" is a completely different issue. Dont make hip hop the focus of the problem. The degrading of our women in hip hop is the product the root problem. Treat the cause of the disease, not the symptoms. Russel Simmons has called for the language to be regulated. I say that if people really wanted to stop the language, they would stop supporting the worst of the worst. We dont need morality police, we just need the peoples actions to match their words, and the only words I hear are lyrics to hack rap artist who would degrade their own people for a dollar. If you wanna stop the use of certain words, then stop using those words, h* @%$ n*$#%s. -j
Friday, April 06, 2007
Dogg vs. Bill O'Reilly. I think Ill take Snoop on this one. After Bill blast Snoop on his show,
he showed, again, his extremely racist views. He never met Snoop, but would "build a jail just for him". Where does this hatred come from? From Snoop smoking weed? Our former president smoked weed, and our current one is a coke head. What do you expect from the same buster who blasted Pepsi for having Ludacris as a sponsor, but said nothing about them having self-proclaimed devil Ozzy Osborne on the payroll at the same time. That nigga bill is a racist. Yes, nigga, in the oldest sense of the word. Meaning he is less than a man. Ignorant. Beneath me. Not fit to eat in the same room as me. Your selective ignorance, choice hatred, and bigotry disgust me, bill. I feel the same way about you that I do about pedophiles. Id rather share a table with a Klansman than you, you dog. Go f#@% a goat. See what you did? You made me cuss, congratulations. And I hope Snoop makes good on his offer, and beats some sense into you...
But on a lighter note, Kanye West supports clean water efforts in Maryland, and I say its about time. Finally, a rappers are starting to take on global issues. He did the (Red) thing for AIDs with Bono, and now this. Take note, followers. You ride every other trend, so dont shy away from this one....-j
Dogg vs. Bill O'Reilly. I think Ill take Snoop on this one. After Bill blast Snoop on his show,
he showed, again, his extremely racist views. He never met Snoop, but would "build a jail just for him". Where does this hatred come from? From Snoop smoking weed? Our former president smoked weed, and our current one is a coke head. What do you expect from the same buster who blasted Pepsi for having Ludacris as a sponsor, but said nothing about them having self-proclaimed devil Ozzy Osborne on the payroll at the same time. That nigga bill is a racist. Yes, nigga, in the oldest sense of the word. Meaning he is less than a man. Ignorant. Beneath me. Not fit to eat in the same room as me. Your selective ignorance, choice hatred, and bigotry disgust me, bill. I feel the same way about you that I do about pedophiles. Id rather share a table with a Klansman than you, you dog. Go f#@% a goat. See what you did? You made me cuss, congratulations. And I hope Snoop makes good on his offer, and beats some sense into you...
But on a lighter note, Kanye West supports clean water efforts in Maryland, and I say its about time. Finally, a rappers are starting to take on global issues. He did the (Red) thing for AIDs with Bono, and now this. Take note, followers. You ride every other trend, so dont shy away from this one....-j
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
there have been developments in the "50 cent" slapping Jimmy Henchmans son story, but I dont care anymore, so Im not gonna write about it. Truth is, I only cared for a few minutes anyway, which is hardly worth a paragraph in a blog entry. Im focusing on the issues that matter a little more to me now. Like global warming, World War III, and civil rights. Speaking of which, watch the video below and tell me what you think. Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement, or just another get together? (But just as a disclaimer, whats gon happen is gon happen regardless of you haters) -j
there have been developments in the "50 cent" slapping Jimmy Henchmans son story, but I dont care anymore, so Im not gonna write about it. Truth is, I only cared for a few minutes anyway, which is hardly worth a paragraph in a blog entry. Im focusing on the issues that matter a little more to me now. Like global warming, World War III, and civil rights. Speaking of which, watch the video below and tell me what you think. Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement, or just another get together? (But just as a disclaimer, whats gon happen is gon happen regardless of you haters) -j
Friday, March 23, 2007

of hip hop! Remember "Lions of Hip Hop" by Mos and Kweli? Of course you do. Well, 50 Cent and Tony Yayo are proving themselves to be the Cowardly Lions of Hip Hop. It bad enough their body guard entourage has inflated to the point where the phrase "hip hop police" had to be coined in their honor, but these latest allegations are detestable. It doesnt matter that it was Jimmy Henchmans son- bullying a fourteen year old kid for reppin a rival label makes the whole squad look bad. What were the intentions- scaring him into buying a G-Unit hoodie? As a man, there are three things always considered sacred- his food, his money, and his kids. Remember how Eminem flipped out when someone mentioned Hallie in a song? Thats because you can beef all you want, but there are still standards, and this crosses the line. I hated the static and division, but always respected 50 for his consistent success and hustle. I know Im not alone when I say I cant respect that. G-G-G-G U-NOT!
But on another note, I wish Guinness World Records people never acknowledged Lil Jons piece as setting a record for the worlds biggest bling. Rappers were already trying to out do each other, but this is gonna start a race that makes us all look like losers. Shouldnt we be deterring such frivolous spending? Within a month, Im sure you will read about the Guinness World Record for the most expensive grill. If artist insist on out doing each other, let it be in the music they make, not the money they waste...-j
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dot Com. The new crack. Pardon my terminology-nothing else seemed appropriate: Niggas be on MySpace more than they be at work. They check their MySpace before they brush their teeth. They check their MySpace while they eat. Theyre late to work or school checking their MySpace. They see a computer while in public, and feel like they gotta check for new comments. They use their work computers, their home computers, their friends computers, anybody. As soon as they get home, they log onto MySpace. They leave in the middle of meals, to check their MySpace. They get on and lose hours at a time. They fight with their parents, with their spouses, ignore their kids, over MySpace. They dont watch TV: they listen to TV while checking their MySpace. And if your loved one is missing in the middle of the night? Yep, MySpace. This ish is getting out of hand. Im with Jay: "I dont surf the Net. No, I never been on MySpace. Too busy carving out My Space in this world..." I looked up signs of addiction and used it as an outline to help you see if you or your loved one need to get your @$$es off the computer and into MySpace Rehab.
Do you:
Dot Com. The new crack. Pardon my terminology-nothing else seemed appropriate: Niggas be on MySpace more than they be at work. They check their MySpace before they brush their teeth. They check their MySpace while they eat. Theyre late to work or school checking their MySpace. They see a computer while in public, and feel like they gotta check for new comments. They use their work computers, their home computers, their friends computers, anybody. As soon as they get home, they log onto MySpace. They leave in the middle of meals, to check their MySpace. They get on and lose hours at a time. They fight with their parents, with their spouses, ignore their kids, over MySpace. They dont watch TV: they listen to TV while checking their MySpace. And if your loved one is missing in the middle of the night? Yep, MySpace. This ish is getting out of hand. Im with Jay: "I dont surf the Net. No, I never been on MySpace. Too busy carving out My Space in this world..." I looked up signs of addiction and used it as an outline to help you see if you or your loved one need to get your @$$es off the computer and into MySpace Rehab.
Do you:
- Use MySpace to escape your problems or relax
- Keep your MySpace activities a secret from people in real life
- Lose interest in stuff you used to like
- Have problems at work or school because of MySpace
- Change your friendships, such as spend more time with MySpace friends
- Change your sleeping habits
This is just a sample list. You may not be addicted, but this is another confirmation that MySpace is the new crack of our time. The only difference is that the government didnt create MySpace with the sole purpose of destroying the black community. Either way, MySpace is holding a lot of us down. Get some help...-j
Friday, March 09, 2007
I try...
Not to rant too often, but this has gotten out of hand. Control, rap is out of. Never before have I agreed so much with Nasir Jones' sentiment: "Im here to get my paper and bounce. Hip-Hop is dead. F*@# Hip-Hop."
My frustration isnt unprovoked. I love Hip-Hop, but listening to the radio recently makes me wanna stab myself in the ear with a sharp object. The same thing, over and over, and over. The new T-Pain song was the last straw. It is a compilation of all the recent "hip-hop killing", dime-a-dozen, cookie cutter club bangers to the run of the mill "snap your fingers" beat. With such memorable, reference lyrics like "you can do it all by yo self"(Lil Jon), "..buy you a drank...I got money in the bank"(Lil Scrappy), "we in the bed like: boom, boom..."(Lil Bootsy), and "walk it out"(DJ Unc)- this song goes beyond simply regurgitating the latest hit, to actually biting all the latest hits at the same time. But the demise of the music is not pinned to T-Pain; he is just the McDonalds to my Supersize Me. The fall of the industry came when it changed from a passion shared by few, to a commercialized beast fed to the masses. Commercialization is like watering down Kool-aid to stretch it out. It takes something good and dillutes it until its a shell of the original product. And as time passes, the music travels farther and farther from its roots, because its history isnt taught. Nobody will realize that the new DJ Lil Knuck Knuck(not a real artist, I hope) beat was actually a sample from J-Dilla. I see it already. Gwen Stefani had another hit. The beat is what sold it, but nobody who actually listens to Gwen Stefani knows that it was a Biggie Smalls classic, and originally, Earth Wind and Fire. People forget, and now what was a passion, is just a punchline(See: The white rapper show, Malibu gansta, "Im from the streets!", etc).
I guess I just want people to remember what real Hip-Hop is. Theres nothing wrong with liking the hacks: I myself have leaned wit it, snapped my fingers, and chicken noodle souped. There is something wrong, though, when people forget what it used to be like. Ten years ago today, Christopher Wallace was shot and killed. I wonder when the radio will stop giving tributes to him. Whens the last time you heard a tribute to Eazy E? J Dilla? Hell, Aaliyah didnt even get recognized in 2006, just five years after her death. Just recognize, is all I ask. And maybe stop requesting that damn T-Pain song so much... -j
As an added bonus, here is GQs list of future Tupac albums to look forward to:
1. The Very Best of Tupac from the last three weeks
2. Tupac: Sneezes and Coughs
3. The Ghost of Tupac Versus R. Kelly
4. Walt Disney Presents Tupac: Frozen in Time
5. Tupac Live from Argentina
6. Tupac Dead but still from Argentina
7. The Ghost of Tupac Versus R. Kelly and Bow Wow
8. Tupac: If I did it
9. Tupac and Gerald Ford: At last
10. Tupac Cuddles Hanna Montana
11. Tupacs Ramones Reunion
12. The Ghost of Tupac Versus R. Kelly, Bow Wow, and Michael Tilson Thomas and The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
13. Future Sex/ GraveyardSounds
Not to rant too often, but this has gotten out of hand. Control, rap is out of. Never before have I agreed so much with Nasir Jones' sentiment: "Im here to get my paper and bounce. Hip-Hop is dead. F*@# Hip-Hop."
My frustration isnt unprovoked. I love Hip-Hop, but listening to the radio recently makes me wanna stab myself in the ear with a sharp object. The same thing, over and over, and over. The new T-Pain song was the last straw. It is a compilation of all the recent "hip-hop killing", dime-a-dozen, cookie cutter club bangers to the run of the mill "snap your fingers" beat. With such memorable, reference lyrics like "you can do it all by yo self"(Lil Jon), "..buy you a drank...I got money in the bank"(Lil Scrappy), "we in the bed like: boom, boom..."(Lil Bootsy), and "walk it out"(DJ Unc)- this song goes beyond simply regurgitating the latest hit, to actually biting all the latest hits at the same time. But the demise of the music is not pinned to T-Pain; he is just the McDonalds to my Supersize Me. The fall of the industry came when it changed from a passion shared by few, to a commercialized beast fed to the masses. Commercialization is like watering down Kool-aid to stretch it out. It takes something good and dillutes it until its a shell of the original product. And as time passes, the music travels farther and farther from its roots, because its history isnt taught. Nobody will realize that the new DJ Lil Knuck Knuck(not a real artist, I hope) beat was actually a sample from J-Dilla. I see it already. Gwen Stefani had another hit. The beat is what sold it, but nobody who actually listens to Gwen Stefani knows that it was a Biggie Smalls classic, and originally, Earth Wind and Fire. People forget, and now what was a passion, is just a punchline(See: The white rapper show, Malibu gansta, "Im from the streets!", etc).
I guess I just want people to remember what real Hip-Hop is. Theres nothing wrong with liking the hacks: I myself have leaned wit it, snapped my fingers, and chicken noodle souped. There is something wrong, though, when people forget what it used to be like. Ten years ago today, Christopher Wallace was shot and killed. I wonder when the radio will stop giving tributes to him. Whens the last time you heard a tribute to Eazy E? J Dilla? Hell, Aaliyah didnt even get recognized in 2006, just five years after her death. Just recognize, is all I ask. And maybe stop requesting that damn T-Pain song so much... -j
As an added bonus, here is GQs list of future Tupac albums to look forward to:
1. The Very Best of Tupac from the last three weeks
2. Tupac: Sneezes and Coughs
3. The Ghost of Tupac Versus R. Kelly
4. Walt Disney Presents Tupac: Frozen in Time
5. Tupac Live from Argentina
6. Tupac Dead but still from Argentina
7. The Ghost of Tupac Versus R. Kelly and Bow Wow
8. Tupac: If I did it
9. Tupac and Gerald Ford: At last
10. Tupac Cuddles Hanna Montana
11. Tupacs Ramones Reunion
12. The Ghost of Tupac Versus R. Kelly, Bow Wow, and Michael Tilson Thomas and The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
13. Future Sex/ GraveyardSounds
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Looks a bit cloudy. Could it be a sign? Yesterday was absolutely beautiful- weatherwise, anyhow. The events were varied. Isnt that all anyone wants in life- for their Today to be better than their Yesterday? Despite the gloom covering the sky, Im in a pretty good mood. Racism is normally one of my buttons, but I read a story about a newspaper printing a story called "Why I hate Black People", and my mood wasnt even salted in the slightest. And I only slightly agree with the experts opinion- that the story "wont hurt Asian-Black relations". I dont think the average person will be effected in the slightest, but extremist on both ends will take this and run with it. Off topic, but I sure hope I win the lottery tomorrow. Laugh if you will, but I have a good feeling about this one. I dont normally waste my time or money on such frivolous activities, but for me to win would be a made-for-tv-movie waiting to happen. Im on the verge of losing my job, so how perfect would it be for me to go in tomorrow, sit down with the big wigs with their smug, fat faces, and before they even have the pleasure of handing me that pink slip, tell them I have just won more money than they will see in a lifetime, and to take this job and stick it between the lumps at the top of their legs- which just happen to be butted up against each other, hence the name. Ahh, vengeance- how sweet thou art. Made for TV. Then again, anyone whos ever been in love can tell you that life is not like the movies. *Sigh* reality strikes again. Maybe thats why the sky is gray, to remind me that nothing is perfect. I guess I shouldnt rely on this lotto ticket then. I dont need millions anyway. All I need is for today to be just a little better than yesterday...-j
Looks a bit cloudy. Could it be a sign? Yesterday was absolutely beautiful- weatherwise, anyhow. The events were varied. Isnt that all anyone wants in life- for their Today to be better than their Yesterday? Despite the gloom covering the sky, Im in a pretty good mood. Racism is normally one of my buttons, but I read a story about a newspaper printing a story called "Why I hate Black People", and my mood wasnt even salted in the slightest. And I only slightly agree with the experts opinion- that the story "wont hurt Asian-Black relations". I dont think the average person will be effected in the slightest, but extremist on both ends will take this and run with it. Off topic, but I sure hope I win the lottery tomorrow. Laugh if you will, but I have a good feeling about this one. I dont normally waste my time or money on such frivolous activities, but for me to win would be a made-for-tv-movie waiting to happen. Im on the verge of losing my job, so how perfect would it be for me to go in tomorrow, sit down with the big wigs with their smug, fat faces, and before they even have the pleasure of handing me that pink slip, tell them I have just won more money than they will see in a lifetime, and to take this job and stick it between the lumps at the top of their legs- which just happen to be butted up against each other, hence the name. Ahh, vengeance- how sweet thou art. Made for TV. Then again, anyone whos ever been in love can tell you that life is not like the movies. *Sigh* reality strikes again. Maybe thats why the sky is gray, to remind me that nothing is perfect. I guess I shouldnt rely on this lotto ticket then. I dont need millions anyway. All I need is for today to be just a little better than yesterday...-j
Saturday, January 20, 2007
....fires an astonishing first- a ground-to-space missile - with amazing accuracy. The US is generally outraged at such displays of military muscle, but are quietly soothed as Republicans begin investigating whether this technology can be used against Hillary Clinton, who announced her presidential bid today. Its only the beginning of 2007, and Im already sick of the 08 Presidential Election coverage. I think its amazing that so many Dems have already put in their bids with confidence, while only one Republican has officially entered the race to date. The character assassination of Clinton and Obama(especially him), is already getting on my nerves, so I wont speak of any of it again until something relevant is said. Speaking of things said(!), "our black citizens should just get over it". Wow. Congratulations on leaving me speechless. But why stop at Blacks? Hey Jews, remember that whole Holocaust thing? Leave it alone already! And Native Americans? Yea, your country was stolen and people nearly extinct, but its a dead horse- stop beating it! What amazes me isn't that such ignorance is occasionally leaked from the mouths of our so called leaders, but how smoothly other politicians with similar beliefs- some current and former Klansmen- can cover their feelings. Showing dismay only that he aired these beliefs, not that he feels them. *sigh* I must not be fit for politics. I have little patience for fools being themselves. But today wasnt all negative- I did discover a wonderful new song. Its called "Hidden Charms" by Van Hunt. Find it yourselves, lazy. Of course, I also discovered the dumbest song ever. "Its peanut butter jelly time"? Are you serious? Is he serious? Hip Hop is dead. Im going back to bed.... -j
....fires an astonishing first- a ground-to-space missile - with amazing accuracy. The US is generally outraged at such displays of military muscle, but are quietly soothed as Republicans begin investigating whether this technology can be used against Hillary Clinton, who announced her presidential bid today. Its only the beginning of 2007, and Im already sick of the 08 Presidential Election coverage. I think its amazing that so many Dems have already put in their bids with confidence, while only one Republican has officially entered the race to date. The character assassination of Clinton and Obama(especially him), is already getting on my nerves, so I wont speak of any of it again until something relevant is said. Speaking of things said(!), "our black citizens should just get over it". Wow. Congratulations on leaving me speechless. But why stop at Blacks? Hey Jews, remember that whole Holocaust thing? Leave it alone already! And Native Americans? Yea, your country was stolen and people nearly extinct, but its a dead horse- stop beating it! What amazes me isn't that such ignorance is occasionally leaked from the mouths of our so called leaders, but how smoothly other politicians with similar beliefs- some current and former Klansmen- can cover their feelings. Showing dismay only that he aired these beliefs, not that he feels them. *sigh* I must not be fit for politics. I have little patience for fools being themselves. But today wasnt all negative- I did discover a wonderful new song. Its called "Hidden Charms" by Van Hunt. Find it yourselves, lazy. Of course, I also discovered the dumbest song ever. "Its peanut butter jelly time"? Are you serious? Is he serious? Hip Hop is dead. Im going back to bed.... -j
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