Sunday, October 08, 2006

Was a good'un. Nothing special, just glad to be alive. Yesterday it was numbers, today Im into rules. So here are the eight rules of Blog Klub.
1. I make my own rules.
2. Rules are made to be broken.
3. See rule four.
5. All Cs will be replaced with Ks
6. All Ss will become Zs, cuz thatz kool.
7. I like cereal, but hate milk(I mean, kereal)
8. There are no rules.
Im learning more about myself all the time(and if I dont know me, then surely you dont know me). I learned that I have a need to physically express myself through aggression(nothing dangerous, just guy stuff like drinking beer, fighting, and...i dont know, scratching or whatever), yet I can only take so much. Another roomate means twice the headache. Captain Crunch gone twice as fast. Bathroom twice as funky. TV twice as occupied. I need to interact with other men occasionally, but I understand why hippos and lions chase the other men off after a while. I need my own space(but MySpace is still stupid to me). I need to be king of my jungle. Head of my house. Ogre of my swamp. I cant have another mans pee on my toilet seat! Thats my territory, buddy. But if I was to go postal and start busting heads, I would be in the wrong. Stupid civilization has robbed me of my right to defend my territory. Now I gotta be in my room for privacy, instead of sittin on my couch in my underwear in the middle of the night updating my blog. It aint fair, I say. Guess I should use it as motivation to clean this craphole up. Dont you hate when things end abruptly? Or when people start to say something, then............-j

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