Hours of silence, then we can retreat into our virtual worlds. Except there's not really silence. Whats the old cliche- if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Stupid cliche. While whomever argues over the definition of sound and the relationship between waves and the receptors that detect them, a tree is lying, and dying, in the woods. While we don't talk, and talk about bullshit, silence is what we call it. But there are trees falling all around us. Life doesn't yell timber. It wasn't ratified- never became one of Newton's laws. Continue saying nothing, and listen- to the sound of bonds falling. Talk about the frivolous, while the most critical goes unsaid. That's the way it is. Meanwhile, we are glued to our electronic fantasy lands, showing us the way we want it to be. The way we ought to be, or how we are and should not be.
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