Wednesday, January 14, 2009


was on my mind this morning. Im somewhat liberal, but against the selling of virginity. By selling your first time, your setting the wrong tone for the vagina. Typically, a woman is infatuated with her first lover, using the act to be closer to the partner she desires. By selling it, the goal is to become closer to the dinero ponied up. If the former example died and went to heaven, heaven would look like an ideal marriage. If the latter example died, it would be in a hell of repetition- prostitution- and few prostitutes want to stay prostitutes forever. Unless the prostitution game has developed a respectable retirement plan, which I havent heard about.

In contrast, men consider the sex itself the "being with" of the partner. If they are a romantic, they will marry the partner, which in essence says "I promise to only have sex with you." If they are not, then they will "hit that", which essentially is "being with" the partner, but saying "I value you at this moment."

Ladies, be careful with your virginity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're absolutely right! Selling your virginity is never really the best option unless you're really broke, of course. (only joking) I agree that women should be careful about who they choose to be their first. At the same time, men should be more considerate to the women whose virginity they take...and on a personal level, maybe you should definitely think about that yourself before you share your concerns for us women