Questions...Why do we still have cops on horses? Do criminals still ride horses, robbing stage coaches and such? Why did it take three days to get water to the
Superdome? Why did the people roll over in the 04 presidential election? Why does the
Kool-Aid Man bust through walls? Why is Mario allowed to take
shrooms, go on a killing spree, then be lauded as a hero? Why is it so hot outside? Why do you need ID to get ID? If you had ID you
wouldnt need ID. Why
didnt the president know what the
Voting Rights Act was? Why is it
ok to impeach Clinton for lying about head, but not
ok to impeach Bush over lying about Iraq? Why are gas prices so damn high? Why cant someone make a healthy cigarette? Why is sex only right when your married, when everybody knows married couples usually have crappy sex lives? Why is marijuana illegal, but cigarettes and liquor
arent? Why
arent more people upset about the
Real ID Act? What was Jesus' real name, and why do people call him Jesus? What makes blue eyes better than brown eyes? Why are modern cars made of plastic, but cost more than their metal predecessors? Who reads this anyway? Why do people run so many red lights? Why is insurance mandatory, but so expensive and non tax
deductable? Is that how you spell "
deductible"? Why has so much crazy stuff been happening to me lately? Why do I waste my time and words here? Will black people ever receive reparations for slavery? Am I going to work out today? Am I going to hell? Why
dont more Americans kiss when they greet? How much truth is behind all those 9/11 conspiracies? Why
didnt the police ever find
Tupac or Biggies killers? Were the killers trained professionals, or did they just not look too hard? Why do so many people still act like racism is no big deal? Will I ever marry? What do you wanna be when you grow up? How high would the basketball goals be on the moon, since everyone could dunk?