Nora Roberts...Ain't exactly taking up much space on my bookshelves, but I still would join her literary mob and burn pinche ladron, Cassie Edwards, at the stake- metaphorically. If the courts rule that her
actions are anything less than blatant plagiarism, then I may reconsider a career in writing. This excerpt was all I needed to read:
Roberts wrote in "Savage Longings"(which I found offensively titled, but thats another story):
"The women who belonged to this society created ceremonial decorations by sewing quills on robes, lodge coverings, and other things made of the skins of animals. Snow Deer had told Charles that the Cheyenne women considered this work of high importance, and when properly performed, it was quite as much respected as were bravery and success in war among the men."
Edwards wrote in "Cheyenne Indians"(also poor taste):
"Of the women's associations referred to the most important one was that devoted to the ceremonial decoration, by sewing on quills, of robes, lodge coverings, and other things made of the skins of animals. This work women considered of high importance, and, when properly performed, quite as creditable as were bravery and success in war among the men."
Really, Cassie?
You didn't steal, but only got "influence" from Roberts' novel? As a novelist, I know that the talent stems from the creativity, so to rob her of not only that, but of her method as well, burns me up. Shame on you, Cassie Edwards. I hope you get paper cut...