"Bush issues Kwanzaa statement"...
..on a USAToday.com blog caught my eye. Anything Bush had to say to Black people directly would be entertaining at least. The statement was not delivered in front of anyone- obviously way too many big words for him- but it was a generic acknowledgment anyway. The only benefit of such uselessly rare public touches of race is watching the Jerry Springer civil war that erupts in the comments section after. The beauty of of online anonymity is revealed in this ugliness. This is america raw. People launch such blatant and malicious attacks on the races that you begin to wonder if everyone is racist, or if this is just where they all meet. And Jews, although rarely a part of the original story, get dragged in just as fast as the blacks and whites. But these comments seemed particularly offensive today. Normally the arguments stick near the "white oppressors" side or the "stupid nigger/jew" area, but I was bothered by a common third view in these comments. A black person wrote a lengthy comment about the stupid jews, the evil crackers, the governments Kwanzaa, etc. A white person ignored the first few parts and chose to focus on the third. Something about "tired of appeasing minorities" and how this made up holiday is an example.The idea of these two very different people coming to an agreement seems like a good thing, but not always. Let me defend Kwanzaa officially for once: What other day of the year do black people in america actually think or act in remembrance of where they came from? Black history and the month begin with the slaves being brought to america, but we know the story begins before then. In Africa, bitches. And that's what Kwanzaa is about. Officially on board.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008

I was playing Call of Duty 4 last night and my Halloween costume idea just came to me(since my budget was 0). Apparently not everyone shares my sense of humor. Happy Halloween, infidels...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
In life, is the theme of this video. I see the following: They man flips through a magazine (consumer-based economy) in the pursuit of happiness. As advertised (same way most people have their decisions made for them), he fantasizes about this miracle product (money, cars, junk) bringing him the blissful life we all seem to be chasing. But at the end of the video, you see things from an outside perspective he doesn't seem to recognize (can't we all use a new perspective?)- his hair all gray (life has already passed him by while he has chased dreams, and still does). The moral? You decide. I say life is passing us by while we chase a fantasy sold to us. Not me, suckers! Im alive...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Is what my caller ID would say if I were to call my asshole self. It's somewhat depressing, but probably more so being Saturday Night. And I'm not alone, but feeling quite unsatisfied with myself. Perhaps the coffee table just happens to have been cluttered with trash and ash long enough to summon the subconscious mothers scold from Christmas past, and the timing is unfortunately perfect. Now all I can see is a messy coffee table and an alarmingly increasing fatmosphere around my waistline. Why am I so aware that it's Saturday Night? I guess from an outsiders point of view, which I seem to value mysteriously more, I criticize every recognized moment as an example of either a tragedy of wasted talent- minus this one, which strayed and lingered a while at misplaced arrogance. I suppose at the end of the day, left up to me, I wouldn't change much more. Either increased productivity from today, or like originally hoped, from further in the past on a job well done. Until then, I linger in the what ifs for just a while, then choose the post over the xbox, and at least think about a crunch. First step, I say...
Is what my caller ID would say if I were to call my asshole self. It's somewhat depressing, but probably more so being Saturday Night. And I'm not alone, but feeling quite unsatisfied with myself. Perhaps the coffee table just happens to have been cluttered with trash and ash long enough to summon the subconscious mothers scold from Christmas past, and the timing is unfortunately perfect. Now all I can see is a messy coffee table and an alarmingly increasing fatmosphere around my waistline. Why am I so aware that it's Saturday Night? I guess from an outsiders point of view, which I seem to value mysteriously more, I criticize every recognized moment as an example of either a tragedy of wasted talent- minus this one, which strayed and lingered a while at misplaced arrogance. I suppose at the end of the day, left up to me, I wouldn't change much more. Either increased productivity from today, or like originally hoped, from further in the past on a job well done. Until then, I linger in the what ifs for just a while, then choose the post over the xbox, and at least think about a crunch. First step, I say...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Good Morning....
and afternoon, and evening. Out of the three hundred and seventy youtube videos sent to me, I'm glad I didn't autodelete this one. It put me in a better mood this morning.
In the nicetime, I'm going to attempt to Take6 and spread love today, and encourage you to do the same. Call your mama, and have a nice day...
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bicycle Day...
On April 19, 1943 Dr. Albert Hofmann intentionally ingested 250 µg of LSD, which he hypothesized would be at most a threshold level dose, based on his research on other ergot alkaloids. Surprisingly, the substance showed a potency orders of magnitude above almost any other substance known at the time, amounting to a much heavier dose than typically given in modern therapeutic use. After ingesting the substance Hofmann found himself struggling to speak intelligibly and asked his laboratory assistant, who knew of the self-experiment, to escort him home on his bicycle, since wartime restrictions made automobiles unavailable. On the bicycle ride home, Hofmann's condition became more severe and in his journal he stated that everything in his field of vision wavered and was distorted, as if seen in a curved mirror. Hofmann also stated that while riding on the bicycle, he had the sensation of being stationary, unable to move from where he was, despite the fact that he was moving very rapidly. Once Hofmann arrived home, he summoned a doctor and asked his neighbor for milk, believing it might help relieve the symptoms. Hofmann wrote that despite his delirious and bewildered condition, he was able to choose milk as a nonspecific antidote for poisoning.[8] Upon arriving the attending doctor could find no abnormal physical symptoms other than extremely dilated pupils. After spending several hours terrified that his body had been possessed by a demon, that his next door neighbor was a witch, and that his furniture was threatening him, Dr. Hofmann feared he had become completely insane. In his journal Hofmann said that the doctor saw no reason to prescribe medication and instead sent him to his bed. At this time Hofmann said that the feelings of fear had started to give way to feelings of good fortune and gratitude, and that he was now enjoying the colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind his closed eyes. Hofmann mentions seeing "fantastic images" surging past him, alternating and opening and closing themselves into circles and spirals and finally exploding into colored fountains and then rearranging themselves in a constant flux. Hofmann mentions that during the condition every acoustic perception, such as the sound of a passing automobile, was transformed into optical perceptions. Eventually Hofmann slept and upon awakening the next morning felt refreshed and clearheaded, though somewhat physically tired. He also stated that he had a sensation of well being and renewed life and that his breakfast tasted unusually delicious. Upon walking in his garden he remarked that all of his senses were "vibrating in a condition of highest sensitivity, which then persisted for the entire day".
History is so interesting...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day...
To me, especially. What better gift could a nerd like myself ask for than news that George Lucas is finally working on a new Star Wars movie and series. Love is in the air...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Perhaps I should be appreciative....
But god I hate work. Its not that I dont like doing things, or being productive- I just hate having to come to work. Why cant I just lie on a beach somewhere? Why cant I wake up when i want? Why cant I stay home and clean up when I want? Ugh...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Nora Roberts...
Ain't exactly taking up much space on my bookshelves, but I still would join her literary mob and burn pinche ladron, Cassie Edwards, at the stake- metaphorically. If the courts rule that her actions are anything less than blatant plagiarism, then I may reconsider a career in writing. This excerpt was all I needed to read:
Roberts wrote in "Savage Longings"(which I found offensively titled, but thats another story):
"The women who belonged to this society created ceremonial decorations by sewing quills on robes, lodge coverings, and other things made of the skins of animals. Snow Deer had told Charles that the Cheyenne women considered this work of high importance, and when properly performed, it was quite as much respected as were bravery and success in war among the men."
Edwards wrote in "Cheyenne Indians"(also poor taste):
"Of the women's associations referred to the most important one was that devoted to the ceremonial decoration, by sewing on quills, of robes, lodge coverings, and other things made of the skins of animals. This work women considered of high importance, and, when properly performed, quite as creditable as were bravery and success in war among the men."
Really, Cassie?
You didn't steal, but only got "influence" from Roberts' novel? As a novelist, I know that the talent stems from the creativity, so to rob her of not only that, but of her method as well, burns me up. Shame on you, Cassie Edwards. I hope you get paper cut...
Ain't exactly taking up much space on my bookshelves, but I still would join her literary mob and burn pinche ladron, Cassie Edwards, at the stake- metaphorically. If the courts rule that her actions are anything less than blatant plagiarism, then I may reconsider a career in writing. This excerpt was all I needed to read:
Roberts wrote in "Savage Longings"(which I found offensively titled, but thats another story):
"The women who belonged to this society created ceremonial decorations by sewing quills on robes, lodge coverings, and other things made of the skins of animals. Snow Deer had told Charles that the Cheyenne women considered this work of high importance, and when properly performed, it was quite as much respected as were bravery and success in war among the men."
Edwards wrote in "Cheyenne Indians"(also poor taste):
"Of the women's associations referred to the most important one was that devoted to the ceremonial decoration, by sewing on quills, of robes, lodge coverings, and other things made of the skins of animals. This work women considered of high importance, and, when properly performed, quite as creditable as were bravery and success in war among the men."
Really, Cassie?
You didn't steal, but only got "influence" from Roberts' novel? As a novelist, I know that the talent stems from the creativity, so to rob her of not only that, but of her method as well, burns me up. Shame on you, Cassie Edwards. I hope you get paper cut...
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