Sunday, October 21, 2007

I used to think changing the world was an impossible task, but today was a good day, which cleared my minds pores. All you really need to do is cause a thought. If everyone thought just a little differently, the world would be a much different place...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Are categorized by signature events that occur during. Whatever the largest event of that day is, sets the tone for its memory, regardless of the other lesser events that precede or follow. For example: Today for me started out wonderfully. I woke up in a good mood, had plenty of relax time before going to work, and the weather was perfect. During some point in the past few hours, however, the tide has changed. My day just got real shitty real fast. I hope something big comes along later to wipe away the dominance of recent events. Its getting late, so hurry...