Saturday, January 20, 2007

....fires an astonishing first- a ground-to-space missile - with amazing accuracy. The US is generally outraged at such displays of military muscle, but are quietly soothed as Republicans begin investigating whether this technology can be used against Hillary Clinton, who announced her presidential bid today. Its only the beginning of 2007, and Im already sick of the 08 Presidential Election coverage. I think its amazing that so many Dems have already put in their bids with confidence, while only one Republican has officially entered the race to date. The character assassination of Clinton and Obama(especially him), is already getting on my nerves, so I wont speak of any of it again until something relevant is said. Speaking of things said(!), "our black citizens should just get over it". Wow. Congratulations on leaving me speechless. But why stop at Blacks? Hey Jews, remember that whole Holocaust thing? Leave it alone already! And Native Americans? Yea, your country was stolen and people nearly extinct, but its a dead horse- stop beating it! What amazes me isn't that such ignorance is occasionally leaked from the mouths of our so called leaders, but how smoothly other politicians with similar beliefs- some current and former Klansmen- can cover their feelings. Showing dismay only that he aired these beliefs, not that he feels them. *sigh* I must not be fit for politics. I have little patience for fools being themselves. But today wasnt all negative- I did discover a wonderful new song. Its called "Hidden Charms" by Van Hunt. Find it yourselves, lazy. Of course, I also discovered the dumbest song ever. "Its peanut butter jelly time"? Are you serious? Is he serious? Hip Hop is dead. Im going back to bed.... -j